Vault FAQS

WHICH BLOCKCHAIN IS NUMERICAL DEPLOYED ON? For the time being, NUMERICAL will operate on the Base chain with plans to branch out to other L2's going forward.

CAN I WITHDRAW MY CAPITAL INSTANTLY? No, it will take approximately up to 10 days (duration of an epoch) to process withdrawal requests since capital is being managed manually in V1. There is no buffer pool as we believe that its best for all capital to be deployed on-chain in order to harness additional yield.

HOW OFTEN CAN I WITHDRAW MY EARNED REWARDS? Rewards generated from our setup will be added to the vault every 10 days for users to claim the portion that they are owed. They can also choose to deposit them instead and add them back into the next reward epoch. HOW DOES THE VAULT RECOGNIZE MY SHARE OF THE REWARDS? Upon claiming, the contract will calculate proportionally each person's share based on how much they have in their "approved deposit" section vs the "TVL" and showcase that accordingly.

WHAT HAPPENS TO DEPOSITS MADE DURING AN EPOCH? The idle USDC/ETH/BTC will be generating additional yield during the period between it being deposited and the start of a new epoch. That part-time yield will be sent directly to the treasury.

WHAT WILL THE TREASURY BE USED FOR? The treasury fund will be used for further development, as a backbone for any future accidents and potentially for staff remunerations. IS THERE A MINIUMUM DEPOSIT AMOUNT? There is no minimum required to enter any vault.

Last updated