

Computers in general are complex entities and what you see on your monitor is the product of years and years of research, effort, programing and optimization. Numerical sequences and logical inputs are the bread and butter of every operating system out there, ranging from binary codes to C++ and Python. In order to visualize something specific or build a program that delivers a predetermined output, experts in the field of programing language are needed. Mass adoption was made possible with the release of the personal computer followed by the laptop. Take that principal and apply it to DEFI. There are many ways to generate on-chain yield across the multi-chain universe, for the lack of the better term, and moving the blocks to reach that peak performance will require a lot of time, patience, risk and knowledge. Much like a computerized numerical sequence, NUMERICAL embodies the idea of forming a logical and optimal pathway between elite DEFI protocols to produce what it says in the simplest way possible in terms of user experience, thus paving the way for exponential adoption.

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